On a mission to rescue and reinvigorate secondary English teachers everywhere.
Teaching is hard. Teaching English is very hard.
Hi, I’m Carla. I’m here to help overburdened secondary English teachers like you regain some of your personal time and reignite your love of teaching again by reducing your prep work and providing fun, rigorous high school and middle school ELA resources both you and your students will LOVE.
- You are looking for a creative lesson plan or fun activity for a short story, novel, poem Shakespeare play, rhetoric or writing unit you are about to teach
- You are a new teacher who could really use a full year ELA curriculum to help you survive your overwhelming first year
- You just need a break and don’t have time to develop all your lessons for tomorrow, or next week, or next quarter.
I get it.
I’ve been teaching high school English for over 13 years, and I know the mounting pressures of ever-changing standards, expanding admin and district to-do lists, complicated reading and writing requirements, high-stakes statewide testing, data and accommodation tracking galore… and the grading. Oh, the grading. All of this and more can drain even the best English teachers of their creative spark and passion for what they do.
I am truly here to help.
My mission is to help you save your time and energy while rekindling the joys of teaching English again. I develop creative, engaging, and rigorous resources for high school and middle school ELA that help you work smarter, not harder–and even have some fun along the way!
I have been teaching secondary English for well over a decade, not counting the years I pretended to as a child. Over the years, I have taught so many students, from the highest of honors kids to the struggling reader who wants nothing more than to disappear behind his desk. I aim to create resources that bring the best out in ALL students and help them love to learn.
In addition to teaching, I have mentored a good number of new teachers, interns, and practicum students and have also served as PLC (Professional Learning Community) facilitator at my high school, helping to develop curriculum and resources for my grade-level peers. It was this which sparked my love for creating and sharing resources that helped other teachers bring rigor, engagement and best practices to their own classrooms while also allowing them to lighten the load and breathe a little easier. This led to my store on TPT, and the rest, as they say, is history.
On a personal note…
I have lived in the sunny state of Florida for almost 20 years (wait, am I really that old?), though it’s hard to get the native New Yorker out of the girl. In a former life, I was in marketing and publishing, doing everything from copywriting to acting as marketing director for a major (now defunct) magazine.
I am mom to two almost-grown amazing young men who I just adore. They make their mama proud.
And then there’s Lulu, my aptly-named prancing Pomeranian who, even at the ripe old age of 14, makes me laugh every day.
Let's Connect!
I love hearing from teachers and learning more about ways I can help you. You can contact me directly, follow my fledgling blog, connect with me on Facebook.
Or, even better, sign up for my emails–and get some FREE STUFF while you’re at it!